Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Motocross news flash

I was keen to explore some ideas on using the green screen. I used the Green Screen app by Doink. I had to figure out was  I was going to say and imagine what was happening so I could say it. I had to think on the spot. The photos had to be timed with what I was saying, and I had to be careful not to  say surnames of students. This is my first effort and I think it turned out really well! I have done green screen before but this is the first time I've done it myself.

Friday, 23 June 2017

Why an axolotl is weird...

 Why an axolotl is weird...

The axolotl is a very interesting fish, but it's not a fish it's an amphibian. Their worst threats are humans because they pollute the water and axolotls are a delicacy in Mexico. But their other threats are herons and bigger axolotls. They eat each other!

Axolotls are very clever creatures. While they eat each other,if a limb gets cut off, they  can regenerate.  Scientists have even made one grow two heads.

Another reason you might think an axolotl is weird is they have frills. These look like worms and are really their gills. Fish always have these on the inside of their body but axolotls have them on the outside. They are external gills.

As you have heard, if you saw an axolotl you would think that it was really weird.

Wednesday, 29 March 2017


 My name is Jack and my avatar likes to wear cowboy hats and sing country songs. He likes to be outside but his favourite activity is farming. 

My best friends are Sam, Kase and Kobe and I go to Springston School . I like to stand out from others.

Friday, 24 February 2017

Taking great photos

  • Taking great photos.
  • Use the whole screen.
  • Delete bad shots.
  • Check - sun behind you.
  • Check the background.
  • Different camera angels